Saturday, May 05, 2007

Independent research blog

I've set up another blog for my class:

This one will be used to set tasks for them as part of their independent research. They've each chosen a country to research and are going to do a short presentation at the end of term. I'm hoping that the blog will encourage them to continue with their research at home.

I've also set up a wikispace from there:

I'm going to try having each of them write a page about the country they are researching, in a similar way to this one which Doug Belshaw set up for GCSE history. In his blog, he describes how he went about it. With much younger students I'll need to provide a lot more guidance, and I don't envisage them editing each other's work, but I'll try it and see how it goes!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you found the post and reference to the wiki useful. I really would recommend for ways to structure a new wiki. Although it's aimed at business and higher education, there's lessons to be learned for all of us.

Actually, editing each others work is something that can be taught very easily. Set them a piece of work, then get a partner to edit it (in exercise books/on paper). It puts the responsibility for learning back onto the student, where it belongs! :-)